Saturday 7 July 2018

To Lose The One You Love

Richard John Scarr

It's hard to lose the one you love.
For when you do, your world has gone!
And as the one who is left behind,
you wonder how you'll carry on.

For rarely do we go together.
One or the other must go first.
To be the one who goes or stays.
Which can be the worst?

To stay and suffer heartache,
or to be the first one through?
Yet would you really want to watch
your loved one grieve for you?

The choice was never left to me.
But I give thanks it was her time.
And I thank the Lord that he ensured
the pain and grief was mine.

So until my time on earth is through,
and I can join her up above.
Every tear I shed for her,
is a token of my love.

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