Saturday 1 September 2018

I Dreamed I Went To Heaven

Richard John Scarr

Last night I dreamed I went to heaven.
And when I reached the Pearly Gate.
And Angel took my arm and murmured:
"Come inside, no need to wait."

She led me through, and there before me.
I beheld a wonderous sight.
There lay God's House of Many Mansions!
His Summerland of Love and Light!

I had never held a sky so blue.
Nor grass so lush and green.
Or Flowers of such vivid hue.
Most of which, I'd never seen.

And there among the other blooms.
As though in Glorious Pose.
Magnificent in its Majesty.
Was a single Crimson Rose!

That Rose just took my breath away.
Its beauty so exquisite!
Then the Angel plucked a single Petal.
"A memento of your visit!"

All around me people smiled and waved.
Such a welcoming sight to see.
Some came and shook me by the hand,
as though they'd been expecting me.

Then from behind two gentle hands
were place across my eyes.
Then came a voice I knew so well:
"Guess who, my love? Surprise! Surprise!"

I had never wanted anything
so much in all my life!
And I prayed: "Oh God! Please let it be!"
And when I turned-- there stood my darling wife!

We fell into each others arms.
And tears of joy began to flow.
We laughed and cried, and cuddled tight.
Each afraid to let the other go.

Then suddenly I realized
we were young and in our prime.
Exactly as we used to be.
We had travelled back in time!

Then from around us others came
who had also travelled through.
Our Grandfolk and our parents.
And they were so much younger too.

We sang and hugged and laughed a lot.
But time in Heaven has no worth.
A month! A week! Or a single day,
can be a lifetime on the Earth.

One moment it seemed my wife and I
were dancing cheek to cheek.
And then the next thing that I knew,
I was waking from my sleep.

I lay in wretched silence.
I was old again and all alone.
It had all been just a lovely dream.
Now I was back, and on my own.

Sadly I rose up from my bed,
and moved towards the door.
And as I did, a Crimson Petal
fluttered gently to the floor.

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