Sunday 19 August 2018

Be Content With What You Are

Two prawns, Justin and Christian, are swimming around the North Atlantic, happy as can be. There's just one problem - they're absolutely terrified of the sharks.

One day, as they are swimming around, they come across a cod trapped in a net and help to set him free. The fish says "Thanks very much for that. By the way, I'm actually a magical fish - tell me your wish, and I shall grant it. 

Christian insists he's happy as he is, but Justin says "Actually, I'm fed up of being afraid of the sharks. I'd like to be a shark myself, that I might never fear again." 

SHAZAM! The cod turns Justin into a shark. Of course, little Christian is now terrified of his former companion, and darts away.

So Justin spends his days all alone, swimming the seas in search of adventure, fearing nothing. But, of course, after a while, he begins to miss his old friend, and becomes quite lonely. 

One day, he meets the magical cod, and Justin says "Oh great magical fish, I made a terrible choice and I want my old life back." "Did you learn a lesson here?" asks the cod. "Yes, I've learned" replies Justin. 

SHAZAM! The magical cod turns him back into a prawn.

Excited, Justin swims off to his friend's house, and bangs on the door. "Christian! It's me, come and play!" "Never!" comes the reply. "You're a shark, and if I open the door, you'll eat me!". 

"No no no," shouts Justin "I found Cod, I'm a prawn again, Christian!"

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