Tuesday 14 August 2018

Once a hat seller was passing through a forest on his way home. Tired by the day's work, he decided to relax under the shade of a tree. So tired was he, that in no time he fell asleep. An hour later when he woke up, he was transfixed to see his basket of hats completely empty.

He looked around and was saw that some monkeys on the tree under which he slept were wearing all his hats. Disappointed, he sat there scratching his head, thinking of how to recover his hats from the naughty animals.

To his surprise, he noticed that the monkeys were imitating him. They too were scratching their heads. He took off his hat slowly and the monkeys did the same. Next moment, he threw his hat on the ground to find the monkeys throwing all the hats in a similar fashion. He finally managed to get his hats back.

But this is not the end of the story...

Decades later, his grandson, also a hat seller by profession, was passing through the same forest. Tired by the day's work, he too decided to take a short nap under the tree. And when he woke up he saw monkeys wearing all his hats. 

He knew what to do as he had heard the story from his grandfather. He started scratching his head and the monkeys followed. Confident of success, he took off his hat and threw it on the ground exactly the way his grandfather had done years back.

But to his surprise, the monkeys did not do the same. Then, one monkey climbed down and grabbed his hat, gave him a tight slap and said, "And you think only you have a grandfather?

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