Saturday 7 July 2018

If Only You Could See This Place

Richard John Scarr

If only you could see this place,
you would never know a fear.
Nor would you grieve for those who pass,
or wish them back from here.

If only you could feel the love
and well being that we feel.
And see things as they truly are.
You would never doubt our world is real.

If you could see the happiness
of young children as they play.
Free from harm and danger.
Loved and cherished in every way.

If you could smell the perfumes,
see the colours, hear the sounds.
Of a world of sheer perfection,
where love and tolerance know no bounds.

If you could see the beauty
in which we priveleged dwell.
You would understand why "Heaven"
describes our world, oh so well!

And if this helps you understand.
We do not die, nor do we roam
But dwell here in a Wonderland.
Then you will not fear your journey home.

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