Monday 30 July 2018

All the members of the company's Board of Directors were called into the Chairman's office, one after another, until only Ted, the junior member, was left sitting outside. Finally it was his turn to be summoned.

Ted entered the office to find the Chairman and the other four Directors seated at the far end of the boardroom table.

Ted was instructed to stand at the other end of the table, which he did.

The Chairman looked Ted squarely in the eye, and with a stern voice, he asked: "Have you ever had sex with my secretary, Miss Floyd?" 

"Oh, no, sir, positively not...!" Ted replied. 

"Are you absolutely sure...?" asked the chairman.

"Honest, I've never been close enough to even touch her...!" 

"You'd swear to that...?" 

"Yes, I swear I've never had sex with Miss Floyd, anytime, anywhere…" insisted Ted.

"Good, then YOU fire her."

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