Friday 22 June 2018

Let Christian Faith and Hope Dispel

Author Unknown

Let Christian faith and hope dispel
The fears of guilt and woe;
The Lord Almighty is our friend,
And who can prove a foe?

The Savior died, but rose again
Triumphant from the grave,
And pleads our cause at God's right hand,
Omnipotent to save.

Who then can e'er divide us more
From Jesus' saving love,
Or break the sacred chain that binds
The earth to heaven above?

Let troubles rise and terrors frown,
And days of darkness fall;
Through Christ all dangers we'll defy,
And more than conquer all.

Not death, nor life, nor earth, nor hell,
Nor time's destroying sway
Can e'er erase us from his heart,
Or make his love decay.

Each future period that will bless
As it has blessed the past;
Christ loved us from the first of time;
Christ loves us to the last.

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