Monday 18 June 2018

I Miss My Furry Friend

Author Unknown

Your footprints used to muddy my floor,
Now that you're gone, I'll see them no more.
They trail up the stairs to Heaven's gate,
Leaving me behind and filled with heartache.

You were more than a pet, my dear old friend,
Yet I knew that your life would eventually end.
The day that I've dreaded has come and gone,
I feel so alone, and the days seem so long.

Sometimes I think I can feel you near,
And if I listen closely, just maybe I'll hear
The sound of you barking, play growling and such.
The truth is I just miss you so very much.

How long will it take for my broken heart to mend?
When will I be ready for a new furry friend?
The answers to these questions I truly don't know,
I just know I'm not ready yet to let you go.

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