Friday 22 June 2018

Hail the Day that Sees Christ Rise

Thomas Cotterill

Hail the day that sees Christ rise,
To the throne in paradise;
Christ the Lamb for sinners given,
Enters now the highest heaven.

Christ, for you high triumph waits,
Lift your heads, eternal gates;
You have conquered death and sin:
Enter, Sovereign, enter in.

See the nail marked hands above,
Signs of God's redeeming love;
Hark, Christ's words our hearts assure,
"I will send a Comforter!"

Christ, for us still intercede;
By your suffering for us plead;
Near yourself prepare a place,
As the first fruits of God's grace.

Now, though parted from our sight,
In the depths of starry night,
May God raise us up again,
Heirs of your eternal reign.

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