Friday 22 June 2018

Cigarette Smoking

Joe Romano

You wake up in the morning coughing and choking
as a direct result of cigarette smoking
You often sat around and ignorantly pretended
you were unaware of all the people you offended

You got into the habit and would often reach out
to shove another cigarette into your mouth
The doctor often said there is only one answer
if you continue to smoke, you're going to get cancer

You often thought this was a very big joke
and now you're addicted to cigarette smoke
Every night you go to bed, your eyes are red
And a cigarette is the first thing you grab 
as soon as you crawl out of bed.

When you try to give up smoking, you constantly fail
because of your craving for a another white coffin nail
Your cough will get croupy, it'll sound like a hack,
But you'll keep buying cigarettes pack after pack

With your need for these fags that you continually crave
your one and only destiny is a very early grave
Trying to give up these fags you know is too late
because you've already made and signed a contract with fate

How many times did you really try to quit
only to find another waiting to be lit
The people who grow tobacco, they're not your friends
they're preparing your life for a very untimely end

And the people who manufacture this deadly weed
are only in business for the money and greed
The young and the innocent and the very weak
These are the victims these manufacturers seek

So do you know where this smoke is leading you my friend?
It's leading you to a very early and untimely end

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